Minister demands withdrawl of Grants for Hydel Projects.Threatens to resign.

Source : Coffeeland News

BANGALORE, Mar. 25: The proposal of the state government to grant permission for four hydroelectric projects – to be established in Kodagu, has been strongly opposed by C S Arun Machaiah – MLC from Kodagu. Speaking to press persons at the Conference Hall in the Legislative Council here he said that any hydro-electric project for Kodagu will be devastating. He also went on the express his strong opposition and also his readiness to go against the state govt. if necessary if they continued with the project.

Speaking further he said that the state did not need such hydro electricity projects that produced very less power, such as those that are being established in Kodagu. That is because the state is working on producing more than 3600 MW of power through different major power generation units that will be ready by 2007 end, he informed. He said these small power generation units are just money launderers for few politicians and black marketers, he alleged.
He informed that the hydel projects proposed for Kodagu were decided several years ago and are obsolete for the district in today’s context, based on the proposed major power generation units in the state, he said.

Adding Arun Machaiah touched upon the environment factor that could be damaged in the district, the Western Ghats factor that could cause an environmental imbalance in this part of the country. He also said about the possible reduction of rainfall for the region that will inturn affect the command areas such as Mandya, Mysore and Bangalore.
The MLC then suggested the govt. to install wind based or biomass based power generators in Kodagu – so as to protect the delicate environment of the western ghats.

Protest only after April 8: He once again said that a severe protest will be initiated in the district against the proposed project, but only after Gen. Thimmaiah’s birth centenary celebration on April 7, 2006. All their protest will commence only after April 8, 2006, he informed.
K A Appaiah, president of Bangalore Kodava Samaja, Berera Shambu – vice president, Mallengada Belliappa – former president, Addanda C Cariappa – president Kodavathakk Janangakarada Okkuta were present during the meet.

Note : Mr.Arun Machaiah has been very just in opposing the project.

For Hydel Projects impact may be:

  •  submergence
  •  dislocation of inhabitants and or destruction of immovable properties
  •  instability of physiographical features & siltation of reservoir
  •  reduction of quantum of water for downstream users and infringement of riparian rights
  •  change in ground water and related affects
  •  affect on water quality
  •  after construction of project , any eventuality in case of collapse of an impounding structure (dam ,weir etc ) also have disastrous impact on downstream of the project.

This common sense has been even noticed by the Govt of India. Public opinion in Kodagu is being sidelined. It will only lead to dire consequences for all the parties involved.

Edited by : nick: Hegde
Role : Author

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