Kirugoor GP in Virajpet taluk has won the Gram Panchayat Puraskar (GGPP) of Rs. 5 lakhs. Kirugoor GP invested Rs. 2.5 crores in a span of three years for the overall development of the village and for eradicating child labour, the award announced in January, was presented recently.

A.C. Cariappa, Virajpet TP member said that he was instrumental in preparing a report on the workings of the Kirugoor GP
Cariappa further added that due to the policies of the Kirugoor GP children of the tribals have been readmitted to schools and new admissions are on the rise and dropouts have reduced dramatically.
Land has been distributed among the land less and efforts are being made to re intergrate the marginalised sections of society into the main stream.
The GP was also selected for the Nirmal Gram Puraskar by the Government of India which awarded a cash prize of Rs. 4 lakhs, said Sara Chengappa the former President of the GP.
The money from the award would be utilised towards developmental activities, that would benefit the larger section of the society informed the GP President.