The first five Elephants were given a traditional send off at Veerasonahalli gate on 3rd september 2010. The majestic Balrama led the jumbos followed by Arjuna and Abhimanyu , Varalakshmi and Sarala the female jumbos in the group brought up the rear. Formally all these gentle giants used to walk 90kms to Mysore from Mastiguddi temple in Balle Camp on the backwaters of Kabini river, thanks to the present Member of Parliament Vishwanath who shifted the camp to Murkal and now every year they are given a royal send off and are transported by lorries to Mysore for Dasara.
There is a small Temple next to the forest gate and the priest Narendra first performs a pooja in the name of Srikantadevaraya Wadiyar and then offers arathi to the elephants. The Minister in charge of Mysore was annoyed to see his photograph on the dias where the programme was conducted and said in his speech that Dasara festival is celebrated by all people and not Ministers only and instructed the authorities not to display his photo in future. There were a few cultural dances performed by Tibetian and tribal children living in the area. The programme was attended by Mayor Sandesh Swamy, G T Davegowda Hunsur MLA Deputy commissioner of Mysore Harsh Gupta. Sunil Agarwal, Commissioer of Police, Mysore, SP Mysore Ramasubba.