Refuting the charges of opposition leader in the CMC T.M. Aiyyappa on the private bus stand and various other issues, CMC President P.D. Ponappa said that the opposition members were unnecessarily raising imaginary issues. He clarified that the proposal to hand over development of the new bus stand to Bangalore based City Pearl Group of Companies was yet to get the final nod from the government and that the infrastructure department is going through the agreement and only after the department clears the proposals will the land be handed over.
The CMC president told reporters here that a resolution in this regard had been passed at a full board meeting of the CMC on April 23rd and the proposal was cleared at the second meeting held on June 29, 2010. which was attended by Muneer Ahamad, T.M. Aiyyappa and other councillors. Ponappa further clarified that no secret deal was arrived at in awarding the contract and the decision of the CMC will have to be ratified by the government.