The rich rain forests of Kodagu have been turned into a dumping yard by the civic authorities of Kerala.
Loads of solid waste can be spotted in the rain forest of Makutta Range that is situated on Virajpet-Makutta stretch of

State Highway-91. It is suspected that these bags of garbage are being dumped on the roadside by unscruplous garbage disposal contractors from across the border.On the left side of the State highway is the Brahmagiri Wildlife Sanctuary and to the right is the Makutta Range of forests. The density of wildlife is quite high in these forests and animals have been observed foraging on these garbage mounds.
During rainy season, the wastes flow into the numerous streams in the region and joins Barapole in S. Kodagu. The wildlife drink this water, with unimagineable consequences
The water from Barapole further joins Kootupole and this water is used by the people of Kerala
While it is mandatory for officials of the three departments,Forest, Police & the Commercial Tax to check every goods entering the State, the heaps of garbage stand testimony to the gross negligence& corruption of the authorities on the Karnataka side of the border.