Kavery Nambisan launched her new book “The story that must not be told” in Madikeri on 2nd November 2010. The book is about a slum and its politics. The lives of the characters in the book Simon, Sitara, Sandhya, Rashmi, Swamy, Allaaudin, Periavar, their success and failures, are brought out well by Kavery’s story telling abilities. This book is Kavery’s third after the success of her first novel
“The scent of Pepper” and is published by Penguin India. Kavery conducted a book reading session for a select audience of fifty at the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan premises. This unique event was organised by ‘Numbikay’ and supported by the ‘Pemmanda Monappa Trust’. The novel “The Story That Must Not Be Told” is priced at Rs 499 and is available at the ‘Numbikay’ Stores Tata Coffee building . Gandhi Maidan, M.G. Road, Madikeri
i want to buy this book. where can i get it in delhi area?