Lack of amenities leads to loss of morale
The police station in Somwarpet is situated in a central location next to the Taluk offices. The facade is grand but the staff of the police station lead a pathetic life. This police station has an allotted strength of eight Head constables and twenty three Constables, but in spite of rising crime graph the police station has a chronic shortage of staff and at the best of times is manned by a skeletal staff.
Crime diary: In the year 2008/2009 one hundred and two criminal complaints were filed. These included thirteen one cases of motor vehicles accidents, three cases of murder, twelve cases of theft, thirty seven cases of suicide and fifty six cases of assault . In the year 2009/2010, two hundred thirty cases have been registered so far, these include two cases of murder, forty nine cases of theft, forty cases of suicide and forty two cases of motor vehicle accidents. The Somwarpet police have recovered over three lakhs sixty thousand rupees worth of stolen goods in 2007/2008. In the year 2009 stolen goods worth one lakh sixty thousand rupees was recovered.
Lack of amenities leads to loss of morale : The living quarters or “police lines” as they are referred to, provided to the lower level staff of Somwarpet police station, is in a deplorable condition and is un fit for human habitation. The accommodation has to be repaired and refurbished and the top cop of the district should ensure that the century old police station building is re built. The districts, police administration and the local, elected representative should ensure that adequate staff is posted at this vulnerable police station so as to provide protection to the law biding citizens and to ensure law and order in this border taluk.