By I K Anil, Editor – CLN
The economic slow down in Europe, has hit the coffee industry hard. Though the Coffee prices in London and New York terminals are on a all time high, it does not reflect positively, on the domestic prices. One of the main reasons, is the loss in the premium given earlier for Indian washed coffee’s.

The volatility in coffee prices will continue, till such time, Europe and the Euro stabilises. Coffee being the second largest traded commodity after oil, long term predictions will be foolhardy.
Our MP H. Viswanath’s statement that the Karnataka Govt. is neglecting Kodagu on the development front, should be viewed in the right perspective. The local MLA’s have a lot of answering to do now, rather than waiting for the next election.

I have no doubt in my mind that Coorg has been receiving step motherly treatment from the time Coorg lost its Statehood. Kodava heritage centre was earmarked to be built in the year 2004 but nothing has been done to date, despite eighty eight lakhs of rupees being sanctioned. The list of non performance is endless.
I welcome, Tourism Secretary’s statement, that his department would protect Kodagu’s environment while the eleven tourism projects envisaged, are in progress.

Joythi Ramalingam has been taking keen interest for betterment of Kodagu, from the time he was the Deputy commissioner of Coorg. The elected representative should give him all the support he so desires, to make Coorg, a better place to live in.