Over 250 people gathered at Capitol Village on 6th September 2013 for the launch of the book, The Vanishing Kodavas. The function began with traditional valaga, and balo pat by the Prashantha Keri dudi team. A very beautiful balo pat was specially composed and sung about the writing of the book. After a prayer, and a speech by the author in Kodava takk, the guests were invited to share their thoughts on Kodagu, and the Kodava way of life. Many excellent, thought provoking speeches were heard by the people present, and drew a heartfelt response from the audience.
All the men wore kupya chale, and the women wore Kodavathi podya and vastara with great pride, adding stature and dignity to the occasion.
Elders were seated in the front row and the first copy of the book was presented to the oldest person, Palandira Devaiah, who had come all the way from Parane for the event. He is well known for his knowledge of the songs, dances and culture of Kodagu. People had travelled long distances to be present, and expressed their appreciation at the opportunity for them to mingle and exchange views, and the very traditional way in which the event was organized.
The book was brought alive by many of the people who were in it being present on the occasion.