A. K. Subbaiah has alleged that the former conservator of forests Kodagu Circle K. B. Markandeya has issued a mischievous circular with regard to Jamma Bane lands due to pressure of pseudo environmentalists of the district.
Speaking to reporters Subbaiah informed that a district-level campaign will be organised in October to create awareness on such pseudo environmentalists, who he alleged were a road block on developmental activities.

Subbaiah, who was earlier dubbed by the press as “Suddi Subbaiah” for his ability to always remain in the news and hog the lime light said that though the High Court of Karnataka had delivered a clear verdict in the Chekkera Poovaiah case “pseudo environmentalists” were behind the mischievous circulars being issued by the forest officials.
Subbaiah further vented his anger, on the so called pseudo environmentalists by alleging that they were working against the interests of the people of Kodagu and were opposed, to development in interior villages. Some forest officials he felt were hand-in-glove with those environmentalists,
The campaign spear headed by Subbaiah will be carried out through Kodagu Asthithva Samiti.